November, 1947: UN Partition Plan - The UN General Assembly passes Resolution 181 calling for the partition of the Palestinian territories into two states, one Jewish and one Arab.
April, 1948:
Deir Yassin massacre - Zionist paramilitary groups kill hundreds of Palestinian Arabs in Deir Yassin, a village near Jerusalem. Up to 13,000 Palestinian deaths and 6,373 Israeli deaths in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
May, 1948:
The Balfour Declaration. Great Britain terminates the mandate over Palestine and Israel declares independence on 15th May.
First large-scale displacement of Palestine refugees; 15th May becomes an official day to mark the Palestinian Nakba (“catastrophe”).
More than 700,000 Palestinians were displaced.
May, 1949:
UNGA adopts Resolution 273 (III) admitting Israel as a UN member.
June, 1967:
Six-day war: Israel occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula.
The UN Security Council passes Resolution 242 calling for Israeli “withdrawal.. from territories occupied in the recent conflict” and acknowledgement of sovereignty. 413,000 Palestinians displaced.
October, 1973:
The Yom Kippur War - Egypt and Syria attempt to retake the Israeli-occupied Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights. OPEC begins an oil embargo on countries that support Israel, and the price of oil skyrockets.
December, 1979:
The UNGA re-designates the Special Unit on Palestinian Rights as the Division for Palestinian Rights (Resolution 34/65).
June, 1982:
Israel invades Lebanon with the intention of eliminating the PLO. After a ceasefire, PLO forces withdraw to neighbouring countries. Despite guarantees of safety for Palestine refugees left behind, there are massacres at Sabra and Shatila camps.
December, 1987:
First Intifada: the first uprising occurs against Israeli and the West Bank and Gaza after an Israeli driver kills four Palestinians in a car accident
Over the next six years, roughly 200 Israelis and 1,300 Palestinians are killed.
September, 1993:
The Oslo Accords: Israel and the PLO recognise each other in an exchange of letters. They agree to the creation of the Palestinian Authority to temporarily administer the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Israel also agrees to begin withdrawing from parts of the West Bank.
September, 1995:
Israel and the PLO sign the Palestinian-Israeli Interim Agreement on the West bank and the Gaza Strip (“Oslo II)”.
September, 2000:
The Second Intifada: demonstrations as a result of an Israeli politician visiting the Temple Mount and is seen as an attempt to change the status quo at the holy site. This lasts until 2005 where 3354 Palestinians and 1,010 Israelis die.
January, 2008:
Israel broadens its sanctions and completely seals off the Gaza Strip.
Later in the year, Israel launches “Operation Cast Lead”, a massive 22-day military assault on the Gaza Strip.
January, 2009:
The Security Council passed resolution 1860 calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and the “Goldstone Report” was issued which contained investigations of the violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.
July, 2014: Israel launches a large-scale military operation codenamed “Protective Edge” on the Gaza Strip.
July, 2014:
Operation Protective Edge: Israel invades the Gaza Strip lasting 50 days killing about 2,000 Gazans. Unlike the conflicts from 2008 to 2009 and in 2012, Palestinian rocket fire targets major Israeli cities. The war ends after the US, in consultation with Egypt, Israel, and other regional powers, brokers a ceasefire.
December, 2016: UN Security Council adopts resolution 2334, stating that Israel’s settlement activity constitutes a “flagrant violation” of international law and has “no legal validity”.
November, 2022: General Assembly adopts resolution A/RES/77/23 of 30 November 2022 requesting the Committee to Commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba for the first time in the history of the UN.
October, 2023: Israel launches “Operation Swords of Iron” against Gaza following Hamas attack.
June, 2024: As of 22nd June 2024, over 37,396 Palestinians and 1,478 Israelis have been reported as killed in the Israel-Gaza conflict.
What's happening now? Watch the scenes unfold through this harrowing documentary by Channel 4. Viewer discretion advised.